space space


Autor/in:Jim Deacove
Verlag:Family Pastimes
Preis:US$ 23.95
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Altersgruppe:ab 9 Jahre
Spieldauer:20 Minuten
Informationen:BoardGameGeek (EN)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Ähnliche Spiele:Our Town (1978); Family Pastimes; Jim Deacove
Kommentar:Thema: kooperatives Spiel
Pressetext:A game about communal living. We try to develop a happy, complete village. There are hardships and opportunities. There are Bad Feelings to handle with Love & Forgiveness. The Meeting hall is the heart of the community. If we succeed in building a community, we all win together. A medium~complicated game that explores both material and spiritual values.
Material:Board 17x 17 inches
Resource Tokens
Event Cards
Score sheets
Letzte Änderung:09.01.07

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